Din Mest nyttige råd In Forex Trading

For folk som bare har et par hundre dollar liggende rundt og er fortsatt på utkikk etter en måte å investere, kan Foreign Exchange Market bare være stedet. Selvfølgelig bør du ikke investere inntil du lære om markedet. Så ta deg god tid og les deg opp på disse tipsene.

En stor spiss for forex trading er å aldri tenke i form av absolutter. Du bør alltid tenke i form av sannsynligheter. En handel er aldri sikker uansett hvor trygg du er i den. En handel som ser ut til å være en stor en kan slå surne. Noen ganger, det er ingen måte du kan forutse når dette skjer. Du må bare godta tap og gå videre.

Når du ser at en stilling er å miste, ikke legg noe mer penger til det. Kortsiktige spådommer er ofte de eneste som du vil være i stand til å gjøre nøyaktig. Derfor bør du ta avgjørelser basert på hva du ser i øyeblikket. Legge til en tapende posisjon er generelt for stor risiko.

Prøv ikke å overtrade, fokusere på strategier. Bare fordi noe stort kommer opp betyr ikke at du trenger å hoppe på den. Noe stort vil alltid komme opp, hvis du prøver å fange dem alle du vil ende opp med å spre deg selv tynn og noe vilje ga. Fokuser på de store markedene.

Prøv å ta alle pengene som du kommer til å investere og bryte den opp mellom mange forskjellige deler. Dette vil hindre deg fra å miste for mye penger på en enkelt handel, og det vil øke sannsynligheten for at du vil tjene penger i stedet for å miste den.

Når du har en dårlig dag og miste en liten sum penger, er det best ikke å sitte ved datamaskinen og prøve å fikse det med en gang. Gå bort fra datamaskinen og ta en pause. Prøv å ikke ting om handel, og når du blir roet ned og ikke handle på frykt, kan du gå tilbake og se om noe har endret seg.

Når du lærer hvordan du best kan forstå forex handelsdata begynne med å forstå dagene. Når du har det mestret du kan fokusere på større og større omfang av tid fra uker og måneder til år. Hvis du starter ut uten en god forståelse av daglige mål, vil du aldri forstå det store bildet.

En god måte å tjene suksess i Forex er å starte med å øve med en demo-konto. Dette vil tillate deg å lære tauene, forstår valutaene og danner en strategi, alt uten å angi en eneste krone inn i en live-konto. Og det beste er at det er ingen forskjell i måten markedet opererer fra demoen til den virkelige.

Bygge en funksjonell strategi for å angripe Forex er definitivt et smart trekk, men du aldri ønsker å låse deg inn i en permanent strategi. Ved å følge en strategi for å nøyaktig brev, du er frivillig hakking selv av på knærne, hindrer din evne til å bevege seg og utvikle seg sammen med markedet.

Mange kommer bort til Forex for å tjene penger, ikke egentlig forstår finansmarkedene, så de lider tap før de forstå lingo. Et slikt problem har å gjøre med å forstå forskjellen mellom en Bull og bear marked. For å gjøre det enkelt, bør du aldri selge i en kjedelig Bull marked og aldri kjøpe i en kjedelig bear marked.

Undersøke brutto nasjonalprodukt, eller BNP, av landet. Dette tallet måler landets interne vekst, som representerer den samlede verdien av de tjenester og produkter som produseres i løpet av det siste året. Hvis BNP øker, er det et godt tegn på at landet går godt. Dette vil påvirke styrken av sin valuta, og vil påvirke dine avgjørelser i valutahandel.

Hvis du vil vite mer om prognosen, opprette en konto med GAIN Capital. Gain Capital har mye ressurser om handel generelt, og tilbyr gode opplæringsløsninger. Du kan også starte handel med et relativt lavt budsjett. En GAIN Capital konto ville definitivt forbedre din handel ferdigheter hvis du følger sin opplæring på alvor.

Det er en ganske smart idé for nybegynnere å starte med handel i valutaparet av din egen nasjon. Grunnen til dette er på grunn av hektisk og variert natur valutamarkedet. Hvis du foretrekker å ikke gjøre dette, så det nest beste du kan gjøre er handelen i mest omsatte og flytende valuta paret.

Ikke handle i altfor mange ulik markedet, spesielt hvis du er en ny trader. Også holde med store valuta parene. Ikke overvelde deg selv prøver å handle i en rekke ulike markeder. Som et resultat kan du bli uvøren, som ikke ville være en svært god investering strategi.

Forstå mer om FOREX er hvordan du til slutt vil nå suksess som investor med denne plattformen. Nå som du har lest disse tipsene, er du bedre forberedt på å investere. Bruk disse tipsene og eventuelle andre du finne for å hjelpe deg å lykkes.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

China considers its response to Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs

The serried ranks

FOR now, at least, when speaking of the trade dispute with America, China’s government is taking a more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger tone. That helps explain the Chinese public’s surprisingly measured views of Donald Trump, and gives the Chinese government some breathing room to consider its options.

The state media have so far taken the high ground. True, the Global Times, a chest-thumping tabloid, accused the American president of “gambling” that China will be cowed by his “capricious and obstinate attitude”. No country can isolate itself from globalisation, said the Xinhua news agency: “The wise man builds bridges, the fool builds walls.” A new Xinhua web page popped up on June 20th, tracking multilateral deals that Mr Trump has quit, including on trade, climate change and Iranian nuclear arms.

But China has yet to debate, publicly, how to handle an American president who is an avowed populist...Continue reading

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A wave of new environmental laws is scaring shipowners

THE shipping industry has encountered rough seas over the past decade. Between 1985 and 2007 trade volumes shot up at around twice the rate of global GDP but since 2012 their rate of growth has barely kept pace, leaving the industry with overcapacity. Freight rates for containers have plunged by a third since 2008. Worse may be to come. The industry does not regard as good news President Donald Trump’s announcement on June 15th of tariffs of 25% on up to $50bn of Chinese goods, which will slow trade growth further. Now a veritable hurricane of new environmental laws is about to hit.

Shipping accounts for only around 2% of global carbon emissions, but is quite dirty. Burning heavy fuel oil, the industry produces 13% of the world’s sulphur emissions and 15% of its nitrogen oxides. And by 2050 ships will be producing 17% of all carbon emissions if left unregulated, according to research by the European Union.

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the...Continue reading

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A maverick French telecoms firm attempts Italian conquest

From Station F to Milano Centrale

“CHOOSE truth. Choose Iliad,” entreats the voice-over of a television advertisement after images of President Donald Trump speechifying and footballers feigning injuries flash across the screen. That may seem pretentious for a mobile provider, but the advert is part of Iliad’s entry into Italy, which began on May 29th. The group, led by one of France’s most prominent businessmen, Xavier Niel (pictured), is credited with having shaken up the telecoms industry at home. He wants to have a similar impact in Italy.

Mr Niel started out with a porn-chat service for Minitel, a French antecedent to the internet. In 2002 he launched his Freebox, which combined cheap web access, TV and fixed-line telephony, and in 2012 started selling low-cost mobile telephony. Growth came easily for years, allowing Mr Niel to spend time on other things, such as launching Station F, the world’s largest startup incubator, in Paris, and free coding schools in...Continue reading

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Glencore dodges American sanctions rather than spurn its friends

AMONG Africa’s many foreign fixers and mining tycoons, few are more colourful than Dan Gertler, an Israeli diamond trader. Just over 20 years ago at the age of 23 he took a punt on Laurent Kabila, the rebel who in 1997 had just seized the Democratic Republic of Congo (then Zaire) from Mobutu Sese Seko, its dictator for the previous 32 years. Having met him through his son, Joseph, he lent the president $20m to buy weapons. He could have lost everything, but instead made it back a hundredfold. By the time Joseph Kabila took over from his father, after the latter’s murder in 2001, he had become the man largely in charge of distributing Congo’s mining licences to international mining companies.

Two decades on, Mr Gertler’s clout in Congo is undiminished. That was proved on June 15th when Glencore, the world’s largest commodities trader, decided it would rather evade sanctions than not pay the billionaire the royalties he was owed from a Glencore-owned mine. The American government...Continue reading

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How two-wheelers are weaving their way into urban transport

THE streets of Beijing are thronged with two-wheeled contraptions. Some appear to be conventional petrol mopeds but as they zoom through red lights at pedestrian crossings their eerie silence and lack of exhaust reveals them as electric. Executives in suits cruise by on electric kick-scooters, looking like big kids on their way to school, though travelling much more enthusiastically. Electric bicycles, hacked together with a battery strapped to the frame and wired to a back-wheel hub containing a motor, crowd the edges of roads.

China’s cities are at the forefront of a quiet swarm of electric two-wheeled vehicles. Millions now roam their centres. This transformation of urban mobility is also happening in the West, albeit with a notable addition that has yet to take off in China: firms that rent out electric kick-scooters. These are taking many American cities by storm and are arriving in Europe.

In the bike-mad Netherlands nearly one in three newly bought bikes last year was electric,...Continue reading

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Yacht-sharing startups vie to rule the waves

The yacht-sharing market could be this big

ONE of the busiest times of the year at Arzal marina on the coast of western France is a wooden sailing-boat festival in early summer. Hundreds of enthusiasts join Breton dances on the quayside, but as usual most of the 1,000-or so yachts, catamarans, day-sailers and motor-cruisers remain tied to the pontoons.

Few boat-owners make regular use of their expensive assets. By one estimate, a French yacht slips its moorings on average for just ten days a year, and for America’s 12m recreational boats, typical annual usage is two weeks. Meanwhile, would-be sailors have had few options, beyond pricey short charters.

Marine versions of property-sharer Airbnb or ride-sharer BlaBlaCar are trying to match the two. In Europe a French firm founded in 2013 by Jeremy Bismuth and Edouard Gorioux sets the pace. Click&Boat has 70 staff crammed onto a barge, its headquarters, on the Seine in Paris. They manage bookings for a fleet...Continue reading

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Abraaj, a Middle Eastern private-equity firm, files for bankruptcy

UNTIL recently the Abraaj Group, aprivate-equity firm based in Dubai, was riding high. It was one of just a few such firms focused on emerging markets, and a darling of “impact investors”, who seek social or environmental returns, not just financial ones. Assets under management of $13.6bn made it the largest private-equity firm in the Middle East, and the 42nd-largest globally in 2017. Its Pakistani founder and boss, Arif Naqvi, a regular at Davos and a patron of the arts, had won awards for philanthropy. It is all the more surprising, then, that basic corporate-governance missteps led his firm to file for provisional liquidation on June 14th.

The problems began in late 2017 when four investors in its $1bn health-care fund, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the private-sector arm of the World Bank, grew worried. Nearly $280m of $545m they had been asked for was not promptly spent on acquisitions, as is standard in the industry. Abraaj blamed delays in the...Continue reading

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Most stockmarket returns come from a tiny fraction of shares

IN his book about the use of language, “The King’s English”, Kingsley Amis describes a tug-of-war. On one side are “berks”, careless and coarse, who would destroy the language by polluting it. On the other side are priggish “wankers”, who would destroy it by sterilisation.

The battle lines look similar in investment. The divide is not on points of grammar but on attitudes towards a handful of modish companies, known as FAANG. These stocks (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google) have been the motor of the S&P 500 (see chart). All but Apple hit record highs on June 20th. Fill your boots is the attitude of coarse stockmarket berks. FAANG makes more sense than stocks in dying industries. For the prigs, the mania for FAANG stocks is as abhorrent as a split infinitive. The high-minded investor stands apart from the herd.

In matters of grammar, the unsure often follow the sticklers. They at least have rules. But they are often too rigid. Stockmarket sticklers can similarly lead others...Continue reading

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Hedge funds worry about the legal risks of using “alternative” data

“QUANT” (quantitative) hedge funds, which craft elaborate algorithms to make trading decisions, rely on access to information. That used to mean market data, such as prices and trading volume. But some now seek an edge in novel sources. An industry has sprung up to serve them with, and help them analyse, “alternative” data, such as those gleaned from satellite images or by scraping websites. Many of these data firms have been founded by entrepreneurs, but some quant funds themselves are getting involved. Winton, a large London-based fund, is spinning off Hivemind, a data-analysis unit. A full-time management team was announced on June 18th.

For funds making macroeconomic bets by trading in, say, currencies or government bonds, real-time measures of inflation (scraped from e-commerce sites) or trade flows (from shipping data) can be better and more timely than the output of national statistics agencies. Funds trading in individual firms’ shares can infer information on sales from satellite...Continue reading

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How an algorithm may decide your career

WANT a job with a successful multinational? You will face lots of competition. Two years ago Goldman Sachs received a quarter of a million applications from students and graduates. Those are not just daunting odds for jobhunters; they are a practical problem for companies. If a team of five Goldman human-resources staff, working 12 hours every day, including weekends, spent five minutes on each application, they would take nearly a year to complete the task of sifting through the pile.

Little wonder that most large firms use a computer program, or algorithm, when it comes to screening candidates seeking junior jobs. And that means applicants would benefit from knowing exactly what the algorithms are looking for.

Victoria McLean is a former banking headhunter and recruitment manager who set up a business called City CV, which helps job candidates with applications. She says the applicant-tracking systems (ATS) reject up to 75% of CVs, or résumés, before a human sees them. Such systems...Continue reading

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Giddy property prices are a test for Swedish policymakers

ULF DANIELSSON is thinking of buying a holiday home—or even a new house, so that he, his wife and two children can have a garden and more space than in their flat in Uppsala. He can afford either, he says, and as a professor of astrophysics is surely able to work that out. But he is hesitating, lest the giddy rise in Swedish property prices end in an ugly crash. “You risk having a big loan that’s worth more than the house,” he says.

The property market has fallen a little closer to Earth: prices dropped by 9% between September and January, largely because of a surfeit of pricey new flats. They then steadied, and are around 5% below the peak—and 50% higher than at the start of 2013, calculates Valueguard, a data provider. As Swedes have borrowed to buy, their debts have risen. Finansinspektionen (FI), the financial-stability supervisor, estimates that borrowers’ debts rose by 36% between 2012 and 2017, while disposable incomes went up by 13%. Almost a fifth of households with new mortgages owe more than six times net income.

Michel Foucault’s lessons for business

NOT many businesspeople study post-war French philosophy, but they could certainly learn from it. Michel Foucault, who died in 1984, argued that how you structure information is a source of power. A few of America’s most celebrated bosses, including Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett, understand this implicitly, adroitly manipulating how outsiders see their firms. It is one of the most important but least understood skills in business.

Foucault was obsessed with taxonomies, or how humans split the world into arbitrary mental categories in order “to tame the wild profusion of existing things”. When we flip these around, “we apprehend in one great leap…the exotic charm of another system of thought”. Imagine, for example, a supermarket organised by products’ vintage. Lettuces, haddock, custard and the New York Times would be grouped in an aisle called “items produced yesterday”. Scotch, string, cans of dog food and the discounted Celine Dion DVDs would be in the...Continue reading

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Monday, April 2, 2018

Gulliver’s most popular posts on the world of travel

TODAY is a very special day for Gulliver, for it is ten years to the very day since his column at The Economist opened for business. Since then, much has changed in the world of travel. A barrel of oil is now worth a tad over $60, instead of around the $100 mark as in April 2008. Old friends such as Monarch Airlines of Britain, Continental, NorthWest and US Airways of America and Air Berlin of Germany have long been consigned to the dustbin of history due to bankruptcies and mergers. Airbus’s A380 superjumbo, the largest passenger airliner ever built, somehow managed to go from the future of aviation to its past in less than a decade. 

But 2,911 posts since Gulliver started to blog for The Economist (after he had escaped from the tiny Lilliputian people that...Continue reading

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